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Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering杂志


Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering杂志是由中国科学技术协会主管,中国机械工程学会主办的一本CSCD期刊。

Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering杂志创刊于1988,发行周期为双月刊,杂志类别为机械类。



Magazine introduction

《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》创刊于1988年,由中国科学技术协会主管、中国机械工程学会主办。

《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》主要刊登内容为机械工程领域具有创新性的综述、基础理论、工程技术应用方面的优秀科研成果,是机械工程领域最具权威的学术期刊之一。读者对象上至机械工程领域的大家、名家,下至机械工程专业的大专院校学生,中间更有一大批活跃在大专院校、科研院所、部级重点实验室的教师、科研人员和学科带头人。

《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》有世界各国机械工程领域知名专家、学者组成的国际编委会,面向国内外发行,与几十个国家的相关单位建立了交换关系,是中国机械工程学会对外交流的主要刊物,赢得国内外机械行业专家的高度赞誉。

《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》被SCI、EI、CA、CSA及AJ等多家知名检索系统收录,现发表的论文全部被SCI、EI收录。Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering已成为评定博士点、评估国家重点实验室、申请国家自然科学基金、申报科研成果和晋升职称等的重要依据,在历年各级期刊评比中均获得较好名次。Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering将为中国机械工程界走向世界架起通畅的桥梁!

栏目设置: Basic Theory Research Application of Engineering Techniques


Magazine introduction

Text Formatting

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Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


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Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples:

1. Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].

2. This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman [5].

3. This effect has been widely studied [1-3, 7].

Reference list

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Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption.

Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.

Copyright transfer

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Magazine introduction

Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering主要发文一级领域分析
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering主要发文二级领域分析
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering杂志影响因子
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering杂志被引次数


Magazine introduction

Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering杂志 正版杂志在线订阅,更实惠,更便捷 全年订价:¥1180.00




